Written by Hannah DeForest
Founder of Tidy Home and School Room Organization Consulting LLC

Written by Hannah DeForest

Founder of Tidy Home and School Room

Did you make a resolution this year? Maybe you want to finally declutter your pantry or plan to consistently clean and tidy your home. Or have you resolved to be more consistent in your homeschooling?

Whatever your plans, there’s a much more effective solution than resolutions. Would you like to know how to actually stick to your aspirations all year long?

Don't Make Resolutions.

Most people who make resolutions drop them later. In 2023, Forbes found that a majority of people surveyed last only 2-3 months before they gave up their resolutions. 

Resolutions fail for two reasons: First, they function like a promise. When you inevitably break your promise you feel as if you’ve “failed.” And even if you get back up and start over, after multiple “failures” you start to feel like it’s not possible to get it right. The second reason resolutions fail is that there’s no real strategy behind your plan to change; it’s just teeth-gritting, white knuckled, determination to get it done. How is that much different than what you’ve tried before?

So what’s a better way to accomplish the important things this year?

Make S.M.A.R.T. Goals Instead!

Goals don’t have the limitation of resolutions. If you don’t follow them perfectly, you haven’t failed. In fact, small failures can actually help clarify what your obstacles are and provide you insight for how to get around those impediments in the future.

What is a smart goal? It’s a goal set with specific guidelines to give you the best chance of success. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Using these criteria to set goals can help you clarify your objectives and experience more success.

Here’s a closer look at how the smart criteria works and how you might go about setting your plans. Let’s say your goal is to declutter your whole house in a year. Here’s an example of how you might break down that goal so that you could create a manageable plan.

SpecificClearly describe what you’d like to accomplish. The more specific, the more easily you’ll identify objective tasks. I’m going to declutter every room in my house, following the Tidy Home and School Room decluttering method.”

MeasurableSet quantifiable objectives so that you can track progress. “I’m going to declutter 1 room per month, starting with the kitchen.”

AchievableBreak down your big goals into smaller, bite-sized chunks. “I’m going to declutter one section of the pantry each day this week. Then I’ll move on to the cabinets.”

RelevantWrite down the key benefits this goal will provide you. “Removing unneeded items from my house will help things flow more smoothly and make messes easier to tidy.”

Time-BoundTo stay on track, set work time frames and  target dates. “I will work 20-30 minutes 5 days a week for one year. The whole-house decluttering project will conclude December 15th, 2024.”

Get started with my goal setting workbook!

If you’d like a guide to walk you through setting goals, check out my personal inventory and goal setting workbook! 

It’s designed to help you identify your priorities, reflect on what’s currently working, and setting smart goals.

I want to help you succeed. To that end, I’ve marked this workbook 25% off through the month of January 2024. 

Here’s to enjoying more success this year! 


Hannah DeForest

Tidy Home and School Room Organization Consulting, LLC.

Thanks for reading this post! I hope you found it helpful. I love helping families enjoy their homes and find success in their homeschooling. I’ve found that blending traditional organization services with personal coaching helps empower my clients to live organized long after we’ve completed their projects. Here’s to achieving our goals!

Thanks for reading this post! I hope you found it helpful. I love helping families enjoy their homes and find success in their homeschooling. I’ve found that blending traditional organization services with personal coaching helps empower my clients to live organized long after we’ve completed their projects. Here’s to achieving our goals!

Hannah DeForest

Tidy Home and School Room Organization Consulting, LLC.